Offer AI objective

Say we have a game. We want to be able to show personalized offers to the user via an in-app purchase.


To do that, we need the features that were used in training the model readily available to query when the users shows up. If we used last_session.games_played as one of the features, when the user starts a new session, we need the last_session.games_played data to query the model to get the prediction. Ideally, ASAP.

In this example, we'll work directly with raw data from events in the game to prepare the features needed to run such a model in production.

This is a model that continuously learns based on the feedback received as the user interacts with the product and makes a purchase (or not). The model optimizes for a long term function - say, total revenue over 7 days.

To train the model, we need a dataset where we can observe how users behave when presented with different offers and prices. We want a contextual bandit approach to continuously personalize the ‘winning treatment’ for each user. More on contextual bandits here

TODO: Broader article comparing A/B tests vs. contextual bandit

For the purposes of this example, let's say we want these features:


The model predicts next_week.purchases_amount. The offer_type and offer_price are picked from a list of offer candidates. The user is served the candidate for which the model predicts the highest next_week.purchases_amount.

Raw Data

We assume that when a user open the app and plays a game, the following events are sent as raw data.

'country': 'DE',
'language': 'DE',
'signin_method': '',
'package_name': 'my_app',
'package_version': '1.0',
'os': 'Android',
'os_version': '6.4.5',
'device_type': 'phone',
'device_make': 'Acer',
'device_model': 'BlackBerry 10 Z30',
'device_id': '73f94c25-1d7a-f484-e194-0952b9a891f8',
'event_id': 'app_launched',
'event_time': '2017-08-14T17:53:57',
'customer_identifier': '72a039b9-6759-901a-cf3a-3354d21beed2',
'session_id': 'ey3je39-932u73'

'event_id': 'game_start',
'event_time': '2017-08-14T17:54:12',
'customer_identifier': '72a039b9-6759-901a-cf3a-3354d21beed2',
'session_id': 'ey3je39-932u73',
'currency_balance': '3400',
'level': '7'

'event_id': 'game_end',
'event_time': '2017-08-14T17:54:08',
'customer_identifier': '72a039b9-6759-901a-cf3a-3354d21beed2',
'session_id': 'ey3je39-932u73',
'currency_balance': '4000',
'level': '7',
'score': '8987',
'badge': '3',
'won': '1'

When an offer is shown, the following events are triggered. We assume that the offer is shown only once in a session.

'event_id': 'offer_shown',
'event_time': '2017-08-14T17:54:08',
'customer_identifier': '72a039b9-6759-901a-cf3a-3354d21beed2',
'session_id': 'ey3je39-932u73',
'currency_balance': '4000',
'offer_type': 'xmas'
'offer_price': '9.99'
'offer_purchased': 'false'
'offer_dismissed': 'true'

'event_id': 'purchase',
'event_time': '2017-08-14T17:54:08',
'customer_identifier': '72a039b9-6759-901a-cf3a-3354d21beed2',
'session_id': 'ey3je39-932u73',
'currency_balance': '4000',
'sku': 'coins-pack-4'
'txn_amount': '4.99'
'purchase_source': 'shop'

We want the end result to look like this - these are the features in the model.

user_id country facebook_connected last_week.purchase_amount last_session.games_played last_session.win_ratio

Writing data transforms

Streaming DTC

Streaming DTC

When the Streaming DTC is run, the data is added in DynamoDB.


Each ‘row’ is a session, because we defined the split in the DTC as source.session_id != session_id. If we had used source.event_date != event_date, the raw data would be aggregated by day. Any boolean expression can be used to define a split.

The second step is to perform window operations on the session aggregates. They are useful for making time window-based aggregations to prepare training and prediction query data for a machine learning model.

Anchors and Windows

Windowing concepts in Blurr are similar to the concepts in Apache Spark/Flink.

The machine learning model is trying to predict a decision at a specific point in time. In our case, it is the offer to show the user. After the Streaming DTC has aggregated the raw data into 'blocks' - sessions in our case, a typical user's data is broken up like this.


When training a model, the data needs to be organized around the decision point. We want to know the value of the features at the point an offer is shown. So if the offer is shown during session 4, the features need to be relative to session 4. And the optimization function (total revenue over next 7 days) needs to be relative to session 4 as well.


The decision point is the Anchor. A window defines segments of data relative to the anchor. In our case, we need the features and our optimization function relative to when an offer is shown.

Let's write the Window DTC that defines this.

Window DTC

Window DTC

After a Window DTC is run, we have data in S3 for each anchor point.

user_id last_week.purchase_amount last_session.games_played last_session.win_ratio next_week.purchase_amount
902844 1.99 6 0.50 0.99
768264 0 10 0.75 0
482640 9.99 5 0.60 4.99

Combined with the sessionized data generated by the Streaming DTC, we now have our features ready.

Training a model

Once the data is in S3 and DynamoDB, we can set up any training pipeline we want, as long as we can read the data from S3 and DynamoDB.

AWS Sagemaker is an option here to train the model and host it for predictions. We’ve also put together a guide to building your own AMI to run Tensorflow.

TODO: Write article and add link

Sagemaker starts off with creating a hosted Jupyter notebook instance which is used for working with data and training models.

The official Sagemaker documentation has several great examples. We’ve included a notebook that describes how to build a model to predict video game sales from reviews. With Sagemaker, we can train with the data we’ve processed in S3 and deploy a model to be used as a prediction API.

Use in production

Once this is in production, the end-to-end flow looks like this.


Tune, experiment and play around with data to improve the model. Remember to smell the roses on your journey to Higher Revenue Land!